Never miss bills or pay late fees again! Prism is the free personal finance app that automatically tracks bills & sends bill pay reminders. See your income, account balances, monthly expenses & spending together so that you can pay bills in seconds.
★ NerdWallet’s 2018 “Best app for paying and tracking bills.”
★ Over 14,000 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ reviews!
★Over $1 billion in paid bills.
5 ways to use the #1 bill tracker app:
• Pay bills on time
• Track bills, monthly expenses, money & debt
• See account balances & available credit
• Manage personal finances
• View checking & savings accounts
Prism is magic for your bills! 💰
✔ More billers than any other app (over 11,000)!
✔ Automatic bill tracking: due dates, bill totals & payment history
✔ Free same-day bill pay
✔ Bill pay alerts and bill reminders 🗓
✔ Easy-to-understand graphs of your personal finances & expenses 📈
✔ Bill payment history
✔ Exclusive payment options
✔ Bill calendar & payment calendar view
✔ Comprehensive bill list view
Automatic Bill Reminders
We automatically track bills and send due date bill reminders. Save money by never paying bill late fees again.
Pay bills in seconds, for free
Bill pay is quick, easy, and free. Schedule your bill payment same day or weeks out. You won’t forget to pay bills thanks to bill pay reminders.
Bill Tracker
Effortlessly track your money and bills at a glance. Prism organizes all of your financial accounts together in one app so you don’t waste time logging into multiple websites to check due dates, checking and savings account balances, or to pay your bill statements.
Manage Debt, Bills & Money
Prism is the easiest way to manage debt. Track your bills, income, account balances, and monthly expenses with an easy-to-read graph. See all your debt in one place. You’ll always know which account to use for your next bill payment.
More billers than any other app
Prism has over 11,000 billers that you can connect to in the app, from national billers like USAA, Verizon, Ally Auto, and Navient, to smaller local utilities. We also cover larger mainstream banks and credit card providers, like Chase, Capital One and Wells Fargo, to community-oriented credit unions, like Boeing Employees Credit Union, Alliant Credit Union, and Suncoast Credit Union.
If you don’t see one of your billers in the app, keep your eyes peeled. We add new billers every month!
The security of your sensitive information is the foundation of our personal finance app. Our commitment to security has allowed us to process over $1 billion in bills during the last six years.
• We never sell your sensitive information
• 256-bit AES encryption
• Delete your account any time
• PIN/biometric authentication settings
To learn more about how we protect your data, please visit
Want to get in touch? Find us on Facebook or Twitter @PrismMoney, or message us in the app.
Thank you for all of your five-star reviews! It means a lot to us 😄
Questions/comments? Email us at We love hearing from you!
不要错过账单或再次支付滞纳金! Prism是免费的个人理财应用程序,可自动跟踪账单并发送账单支付提醒。查看您的收入,帐户余额,每月费用和支出,以便您可以在几秒钟内支付账单。
棱镜对你的账单来说很神奇! 💰
Bill Tracker
轻松跟踪您的钱和账单。 Prism将您的所有财务帐户组织在一个应用程序中,这样您就不会浪费时间登录多个网站来检查到期日,检查和储蓄帐户余额,或者支付账单结算。
Prism拥有超过11,000个可以在应用程序中连接的打击者,从USAA,Verizon,Ally Auto和Navient等国家的报酬者到小型本地公用事业公司。我们还为大型主流银行和信用卡提供商(如Chase,Capital One和Wells Fargo)提供面向社区的信用合作社,如波音员工信用合作社,Alliant Credit Union和Suncoast Credit Union。
•PIN /生物识别身份验证设置
想取得联系?在Facebook或Twitter @PrismMoney上找到我们,或在应用程序中给我们留言。